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Things to consider when planning a Steam Shower in Your Home


Today, people are much more aware of the need to maintain their health and fitness. Not only are they willing to invest the time to do so, but they are also willing to invest the money. With global spending on health expected to increase to $18.28 trillion, it is projected to reach 9% of the GDP worldwide by 2040 according to data published by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation , the trend toward health and fitness is definitely here to stay.

Of course this trend includes buying better food and purchasing gym memberships, but consumers are also increasingly trending toward bringing the gym home with them. Steam Showers are among the most popular items now to be installed in the home. While they are known as a tool for relaxation and the soothing of tired aching muscles, they also offer rich number of health benefits. Not only do they rejuvenate the body, but they also remove metabolic disease, improve blood circulation in the body, and eliminate metabolic waste which can cause certain diseases, says Healthline.

Users are also amazed at how much clearer their skin becomes after just a 20 minute steam shower session, 2-3 days a week. Having a steam shower at home also pays dividends by eliminating trips to the spa, saving hundreds of dollars or more per year.

With all of the benefits that a residential steam shower can offer, including many related to your health, installing your own is a no-brainer. Here are some things to consider when planning your shower:

3 Tips to for installing your own Residential Steam Shower
  1. Preparation is key. It is important to have a tight, waterproof shower. This means using cement backer-board with the joints sealed, and applying a waterproof coating prior to installing your tile or stone. It’s good to make accommodations for a bench or seat for maximum enjoyment. If you have the option, slope the ceiling slightly to allow condensation to run off. Also make sure the room is completely enclosed in order to keep the steam in. This means installing a door with a full seal. If possible, we recommend that you purchase a door designed specifically for steam showers, say the experts at The Sauna Place.
  2. Steam Shower size: Steam showers do not have to be large. Consider quality over quantity when designing your room. A minimum of 7ft x3ft x 3ft is recommended in order to accommodate a small bench or seat. It is also recommended that you do not exceed 8 feet in ceiling height. Anything taller makes it difficult to size your steam unit.
  3. Use light fixtures designed for steam showers: Not just any light fixture should be installed in a steam shower. The constant humidity will often rust-out lights, even when they are rated for wet locations. Many steam shower lights offer LED’s, and even Chromatherapy. These lights have multi-colored LED’s which offer different color combinations. The right lighting creates the ambience and promotes relaxation. Steam Shower Lights can be a bit expensive, but it is recommended that you do not try and skimp on this step. Installing the correct vapor-sealed fixture will greatly enhance your experience, and minimize the chance for moisture-related problems down the road.

These are just a few tips to consider when planning your steam shower. Always consult with the pros, such as those found at The Sauna Place. Plan it right and then enjoy it for life!

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